My name is Inger Johnson and I’m running for Chino Valley School Board.

A little about me:

I have been married for 19 years to the love of my life.  Together we have a wonderful son who was a Senior this year and graduated in May; soon to be in college.  As his parents, it is our responsibility to make sure that our son succeeds in life.  I get it!  That is what every parent wants for their children too!  For that to happen, we need to have a quality education system in our country.  EDUCATION MATTERS!

Education is an American tradition.  It is an indispensable pillar upon which out nation’s strength and resilience are built.  A representative democracy like ours, which is a Constitutional Republic, cannot exist if we do not have an educated populace; one that, at a minimum, can read, write, do math, understand history and civics and know how to organize its thoughts.  Without these essential abilities, a person is subject to the mercy of others who will do the thinking for them and who may not prioritize their best interests.  Literacy and education are and always have been the bedrock of our American society, empowering individuals to think critically, engage meaningfully in civic discourse, and safeguard their rights and freedoms.

It is this deep-seated belief in the importance of a strong foundational education that drives me to run for the school board.

My tenure in both the Chino Valley School District, where I worked at the High School and District office, and my background in finance and business management spanning over a period of 15 years, positions me to contribute significantly to the board.

Having cultivated positive relationships with teachers, administrators and staff, I understand the intricacies of our District’s operations and the needs of its personnel.  Moreover, my expertise in financial matters, honed through years in banking and running my own business, equips me to navigate the fiscal responsibilities of the school governance board.

The school governance board makes financial decisions that directly impact the taxpayers, parents and students.  I will work diligently to make sure all three stakeholders receive the greatest return on their investment.


Inger’s Priorities:

  1. Parental Rights – Parents know their children best. First and foremost, parents are integral stakeholders in their children’s education, possessing invaluable insights into their unique needs and aspirations. I will champion trust and collaboration to help parents have a voice in the educational process. 
  2. Academic Excellence – Prioritizing the importance of a strong foundational education focusing on subjects such as reading, writing, math, history, civics, science, and technical skills is vital to a student’s intellectual development and future career opportunities.  I oppose anything that distracts from this strong foundational education.
  3. Transparency & Accountability – Taxpayers should understand where their money is being allocated and how it is being utilized. This transparency can be attained through clear, accessible reports and audits that detail school district revenue & spending in a clear manner.

Thank you for considering me for your vote on November 5, 2024 for the Chino Valley School District governance board. Early voting starts on October 9, 2024.

Together, let’s ensure that the Chino Valley School District schools are the premier educational institutions that deliver the world-class education that all our students deserve.


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